2022 update to this post: we now have new coaching resources, with weekly free resources and paid options for technique teaching materials. Find out more here.
Judo Lessons
7 ideas to use at your Dojo
Plan your judo lessons around both visual and audio. Using visual tools and our memory increases significantly.
Koka Kids has the following judo resources to use:
Memorable judo lessons
Are your judoka are having difficulty remembering judo throws and their names?
The fact of the matter is that after three days most of us forget 90% of all we hear and 65% of all we see.
Whoaaaaa!!!! That doesn’t leave us with much.
A week later we will recall a measly ten percent of any audio instruction and perhaps 35% of anything we saw at judo.
But there is a way to improve that dramatically.
And that is to combine teaching modalities.
When we both see and hear we will remember around 65% of the lesson being taught.
And that’s with using illustrations. Visuals. Judo cartoons…
Read more on the power of visuals and how they support coaching of sports here.

Judo Cartoons. Are you joking?
No, we are serious; cartoons work with us all but especially with children.
Why? Because cartoons get across concepts that are otherwise too complex for kids.
Whether its Kung Fu Panda learning how to turn weaknesses into strengths or Peppa Pig learning how to make pizza visuals get the message across.
Visuals make learning judo easier.
Use cartoons with your judo lessons
Judo cartoons are much more appealing to this age group. If you put a text book or a cartoon infront of your average 8 year old, which do you think they will engage with?
Read these posts, written by judo sensei Vince Skilscorn on teaching judo to different age groups:
Teaching Judoka age 5 to 8
Coaching Judoka age 9 to 12 years.
Here are some resources that you can print up in minutes and use to complement your coaching.
1. Judo Lessons:
Teach a Technique A Week

In most cases, you’ll have your classes planned out for the term, using ideas like these from these judo coaches to grow your dojo and motivate your judoka.
So, it’s easy to print up accompanying visuals like these judo posters of ten throws.
But in the case, you haven’t got your judo lesson planned out and are still wondering what to teach at judo tonight, don’t worry.
Print up for tonight’s judo lesson
You can download these judo technique posters and have them printed on your home printer in under 10 minutes.
Start with these three coaching resources:
- Top Ten Throws – ten of the best judo throws (ideal for 6-10 year old judoka)
- Advanced Judo – Twenty judo combinations (ideal to challenge your older judoka 8-14)
- Newaza Bundle – 10 Newaza Turnovers, 10 posters, 10 certificates, 10 teaching cards.
2. Add Judo Posters around your school

For more ideas on teaching technique read up on this post by World Champion and Olympic silver medallist, Neil Adams on how to teach uchimata.
Neil explains four key coaching areas to look out for when teaching uchi-mata.
3. Get a Club Grading System Book

Irish Judo Association Grading Booklet
Another way to make techniques more memorable is to begin using judo books at your club.
What about getting a book designed especially for your club?
Above is one of the judo books, that I designed for Irish Judo including all grading requirements through the Shamrock and Mon Grade Syllabus.
If you have a project in mind, and would like help on design work contact me Nik Fairbrother for a quote.
4. Judo Lessons: Give them Homework!

It will be homework they will love. Each time you start teaching a new judo technique print out a Key Stage Tick Card of a groundwork turnover or one of these judo throws and hand out a copy to your judoka.
Graphics like this speed the learning process and make it more permanent.
Let them study the card in their own time. The judo throw is clearly shown step by step, each stage of the judo waza illustrated.
The Newaza Bundle covers plenty of judo turnovers for beginners.
5. Reward and Motivate with Certificates.
So, they’ve learnt the judo throw, or the Osaekomi, or the breakfall or their behaviour and use of the judo moral code has been exemplary.
Finally! You say.
But secretly you’re pleased with their effort.
Why keep that a secret? Isn’t it time to show your are pleased with your judoka’s progress?
Progress is often intangible. But we need to know if we are doing well or badly because that that knowledge keeps us on target.
Knowing where we are when we attempt to conquer and new skill allows us to adjust what we are doing if necessary to change, and when we get something right it encourages us to continue doing what we are doing.
Judo Certificates are a very visual, tangible feedback that can be printed up cheaply used to reward achievement.
6: Make an impact

Judo Banners = Visual Impact.
A judo banner is an awesome way to remind your judoka about techniques. Put them by your dojo door.
Your judoka will look at them and connect the judo throws are learning on the mat with the judo techniques they are seeing on the banner.
Use as touchpoints as you teach, referring to the judo waza on the banner as you demonstrate it on the mat.
Judo Flags can make a big impact in any reception or outside your dojo door for passer-bys to get an immediate idea about what your judo club is all about.
7: Use Judo Books
Judo pictures help us learn
Pictures give students more time to process information
New information can be absorbed at a pace decided by the learner
Allows time to reflect without the pressure and pace of the class
Visuals last longer; words disappear, pictures last.

Stock these judo books at your club or encourage your students to buy online at Amazon.
For orders of 50+ copies or more get the Wholesale Price List for Judo Clubs.