What is the Judo Moral Code?
The judo moral code is a set of ethics and values invented by Jigoro Kano.
The code is made up of eight values: courtesy, courage, honesty, honour, modesty, respect, self-control and friendship and you can discover more about this by reading the book « Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code. »
Learning judo’s philosophy is as important as learning the judo throws.
Free Judo Moral Certificates with 4Judo
Get this set of 8 Moral Code certificates free! Read how in the latest 4Judo Newsletter.
4Judo has been created by Fighting Films, Neil Adams, Sportif Lifestyle and Koka Kids with the aim to provide valuable judo content to grow judo.
Teach the Judo Code
Are you a judo coach looking to teach the Moral Code to your judoka?
- Use the book Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code to help your judoka understand each value.
- Download and print Moral Code certificates
- Use the Koka Kids Moral Code banner at your dojo.
The Moral Code
Let’s take a deeper look at each value of the moral code, and what is really means and how you can demonstrate each one at the dojo.
Here is a reminder of the eight values that make up our Moral Code:
Judo Code: Courtesy
Courtesy is the first point on the moral code. It means to be polite to others.
Dojo example: quietly listening to your sensei while he explains a technique shows courtesy.
When we say hello, goodbye, please and thank you we are being courteous. Bowing before and after each tandoori is a way of saying ‘thank you for training with me’, to your partner.
Judo Code: Courage
Courage is a very important part of the code. It means to face difficulties with bravery. Everyone has their own difficulties and being courageous is different for each judoka.
Dojo example: asking someone who is bigger/stronger/better than you for a randori is a form of courage.
It is courageous to face our fears head on and attempt to overcome them. It does not mean we have to succeed, only to give it our best shot.
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Judo Code: Honesty
Next up in Jigoro Kano’s moral code is the value of honesty. Can you be sincere with your thoughts and actions? Do things that are morally correct. Act truthfully. All this is honesty.
Dojo example: owning up if you do something wrong and telling the truth.
Honesty means to be truthful in thought and actions – honest hearts produce honest actions!
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Honour is an important value for every judoka to have. Do what is right and stand by your principles. Be someone who acts nobly and correctly.
Dojo example: compete within the rules, don’t cheat!
Respect the referee decisions and always compete fairly. Don’t cheat to win – after all you are only cheating yourself!
Modesty means to be without ego in your actions and thoughts. Being modest is the opposite of being arrogant.
Dojo example: accept your wins gracefully, without showing off or boasting. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and your head out of the clouds!
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Respect is the next value to add to our growing list of values that we must learn as judoka. Respect is basically the appreciation of others (and self-respect is appreciation of yourself.)
Dojo example: admire and appreciate your club mates when they do something well.
It is easy to win a medal – but much harder to win someone’s respect.
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Self Control
The next point of the code is self-control. This means to be in control of your emotions. Judo can be an emotional sport. Can you deal with disappointment without self control? Without becoming rude or aggressive?
Dojo example: dealing with losing a contest in a graceful manner.
To achieve this you need to get to know yourself well and what you need. The person controlling your mind is you!
Lastly on the list is friendship. Being good companion and friend is something that will stand you in good stead all your life.
Dojo example: help one of your club mates learn a throw.
To have a good friend you must also be a good friend!
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Jigoro Kano
Sensei Jigoro Kano believed the Moral Code to be of the utmost importance in the development of a judoka.
His aim above all others was that judoka should become honourable and valuable members of the community they live in.
You can read more at this post by Grapplezilla or get the Koka Kids book to read the history of judo and how Jigoro Kano changed the world.
See the book: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
How did judo begin?
To find out we need to go back in time. We need to return to Mikage, a small fishing village in Japan and go back to the year 1860 for this is when Jigoro Kano was born.
As a boy Jigoro Kano was bullied, but with courage in his heart he set out to make a difference in his own life and in doing so made the difference in millions.
To read the full story: Jigoro Kano and the Moral Code
Life values of Judo
Here, at Koka Kids, we believe in these values 100%. We try and act by them in our daily lives.
Judo is about being a lot more than being able to throw someone. Winning is great – but the way you win is what is truly important – and this is one of the most important judo life lessons I have learnt.
Judo Moral Code Certificates
Use these moral code certificates and posters
Friendship and Respect T-shirt
Get the message across with the Respect T-shirt.
You can find judo games that will help teach values like respect, team work and self control here: 32 Judo Games for Juniors and more ways to make judo lessons fun and memorable here.
Judo Flags: Moral Code
Display the judo moral code at your dojo with these judo flags and banners.