Exciting news! You can win 3 judo books autographed by world judo champion, Nik Fairbrother.
We are running a free giveaway.
It takes 5 seconds for the chance to win an awesome prize.
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Win 3 Judo Books – Autographed by World Champion, Nik Fairbrother
Here’s a little bit more about the giveaway: Win 3 Judo Books
Each judo book will be signed by the author, Olympic silver medallist, and judo world champion Nik Fairbrother who will add a personal dedication to the winner.
It’s a fantastic prize for any judoka, who wants to improve their judo skills.
You will win

Judo Book 1: Learn 40 Judo Throws
This book contains instructions on how to do 40 judo throws – that is the entire judo syllabus. You can learn how to throw with all the key ippon scoring techniques: Morote-Seoi-Nage, Uchi-Mata, Kouchi-Gari to name just a few!
See more about this judo book here.
You will also win…

Judo Book 2: Learn Groundwork with 20 Judo Turnovers
You will also win a copy of Learn Groundwork. There are 20 Newaza Turnovers here, which will take your groundwork game to expert level.
Find out more about this book here.
And you will also win a copy of…

Judo Book 3: Learn Holds with 10 Challenges
10 Judo Hold Downs is one of our best-selling books on Amazon at the moment, recently reaching the number 2 spot on the Amazon best seller list for children’s martial arts.
You will receive a signed copy to help you improve your Osae-komi skills.
How to Enter
Just click here to enter the Win 3 Judo Books Give-away then once you’ve done that follow the prompts to increase your chance of winning.
The winner will win all three judo books – enter now!
Win 3 Judo Books – Autographed by World Champion, Nik Fairbrother #giveaway #win