From white to purple belt, these books contain everything you need to know to get your next judo belt.
A new way to learn the USJF Rank Requirement Recommendations
The USJF Rank Requirement Recommendations can now be learnt through a series of animated and interactive books.
The books, designed by Koka Kids, contain all USJF rank recommendations and requirements from white/yellow belt through to purple belt.
You can see them here: Koka Kids & USJF Rank Recommendation Syllabus Books

Interactive and animated
Koka Kids has partnered with the USJF to create books that use fun animations to make the learning of USJF Rank Requirement Recommendations for the different judo belts as interactive as possible.
For example, the reader can go to a specific judo belt colour, and find out what they need to learn to progress to the next rank.
They can then watch as the judo technique animate step by step on the pages before their eyes.
If they want to slow the process down, study a certain phase, they can click on the arrows to move back and forward through the throw or turnover as they read the tips.
Judoka can test their knowledge with interactive quizzes for each judo belt. If they don’t know an answer they can click on a belt and the answer flies down from the top of the page.
“The idea was to design something very visual. The goal is to hold the reader as they progress through the levels, and so each book develops on skills learnt in the previous book.” said Nik Fairbrother, judo world champion and Koka Kids editor.
Aligned with Shape America
The project is alignment with SHAPE framework’s stages of development for safe and progressive instruction. SHAPE America is a national standards framework for K-12 Physical Education that defines what a student should know and be able to do at each stage of developing physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthy physical activity.
More by Koka Kids
To see more, similar books designed to help children learn more about judo, visit the Koka Kids Judo Book collection on Amazon. Aimed at all levels from beginners to advanced, the books are available in paperback and ebook.
See Nik Fairbrother author page.