Summer Issue of Koka Kids is now out – get your copy from Fighting Films.

Summer issue of Koka Kids is now available to buy. The magazine is now designed by Fighting Films, who also deal with all subscriptions, so head over to the Fighting Films website to order. You can order individual copies or place a club subscription for all members.
We’re finally back on the mat and ready for Tokyo! Grab yourself a copy, get reading and get up to speed!
The latest issue of the Koka Kids magazine makes a perfect gift for children as we head into the Summer holidays.
There are tons of activities, judo drills and fun stuff to keep bored judoka entertained as the long Summer months without judo classes loom.
What’s in this issue?
Catch up with all your favourite Koka Kids characters, latest puzzles and competitions, technical features and judo specific articles.
This issue contains a special feature on Tokyo 2020 – who do you think will win gold at Olympic Games? Keep track of the medal winners using this handy downloadable booklet on Judo at Tokyo 2020.
Plus we remember the legendary 1992 Olympic Champion, Toshihiko Koga who sadly passed away earlier this year.
There are six new drills, plus a free certificate to download. Read how to do the drills in the magazine, then practice them. Once you have them mastered, download your certificate from the Koka Kids Coaching Resources.
Get your free judo tattoos!
Plus this bumper edition also includes a sheet of Temporary Tattoos as this months free gift! There are a couple of tattoos of Uchi Banani, and eight Kanji each showing the Judo Moral Code.
Don’t worry mum – they will wash off. These judo tattoos are not permanent but we hope the morals will be.
Choose from Friendship, Self-Control, Courage, Honesty, Honour, Respect, Modesty and Courtesy – or why not use them all!
Get your copy of the Summer issue now and make your return to judo go with an Ippon!