Kids Judo Books by Koka Kids
Judo Books by Koka Kids

How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage

How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage? Here are 5 tips to help you with this spectacular throw which works well in combination or as a direct attack.

Morote Seoi Nage features in the judo books and is one of waza in the coaching resource: top ten throws.

How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage

Morote Seoi Nage
Morote Seoi Nage

1. How to Break Balance for Morote Seoi Nage

An absolutely essential part to all judo throws is the breaking of uke’s balance. Uke is much easier and lighter to throw if he or she is off balance.

So concentrate first, on pulling uke onto the technique. Use your arms and body movement to make uke take a step forward.

How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage
How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage

2. Footwork for Morote Seoi Nage

Next turn in 180 degrees, so you are facing in the same direction as your partner. Tuck your elbow under uke’s bicep, and bend your knees to get under uke.

Remember power for judo throws comes from your legs, not your back – so bend those knees!

judo technique 2

3. Power up!

Now comes the power! The force comes from your legs, so straighten them, as you rotate uke over your back.

Pull the sleeve in a circle to get the rotation. And don’t forget to turn your own head and body.

technique 3

4. How to throw for IPPON!

Keep the control right into the mat, rotating uke cleanly onto their back to score ippon.

Pull up on uke’s sleeve at the end of the technique to soften uke’s impact.

And uke’s at this point get ready to use your ukemi (breakfall) hitting the mat with the palm your hand.

Judo technique 4

5. Morote Seoi Nage in Combination

How to throw with Morote Seoi Nage in combination?

When you’ve got the basic technique skills, try to use Morote Seoi Nage in combination with another technique or use like in this video at Superstar Judo.

Try to set up first with Kouchi Gari or Ouchi Gari. When uke reacts, use the movement, and attack with Morote Seoi Nage.

For similar articles read:

How to throw with Ippon Seoi Nage

How to throw with Uchi Mata